Newborn Baby Photographer | Photographer's Diary | Contact Sheet #4

Clayton at 12 Days

Newborn Baby Photographer

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.” Marc Riboud

orange county newborn baby photography

Its always a special honor to earn the trust of brand new parents. Photographed Nicole and Greg’s wedding five years ago. They’ve taken to being first time parents very naturally and give their little boy Clayton {eager to came into this world, he arrived 10 days early} all the love and tenderness they have. Every time I am asked to be a family’s newborn baby photographer, I’m amazed by how tiny and perfectly formed they are. The tiniest little fingers, smaller than the width of a pencil and feet that fit into your palm. Click the link —> see more newborn photography.

orange county newborn baby photographyorange county newborn baby photography

newborn baby photographer, orange county
canon 1d mark iii | adobe lightroom | proselectpro | prophoto strobe | larson 4×6 softbox | mw’s lightroom presets