Portraits of Little Brother & Older Sister

Brother & Sister Portraits | Orange Couny Kids Photographer 

Black & White Kids Photos | Child Photography

Had a wonderful kids photography session yesterday in the park with Charlie and her brother Buckey.  Buckey wanted nothing to do with this kids photography thing.  You see, he’s 2 years old and very independent.  Terrible 2’s HELLO!  He almost sat still, but not for enough time for me to raise the camera up to my eye, compose and push the shutter button.  Oh well, if you can’t get Buckey to do what you want, then let him do what he want’s and shoot fast and lots of frames!  His sister Charlie, who has the most amazing blue eyes, was easy to make portraits of, she’s five and has a bit more focus than her little borther.  When I met Buckey he was very involved with munching on a bag of Chedar cheese popcorn…nom….nom….nom.  Then running around a bit and then climbing on the fence, his favorite!  The cars that passed in the distance held his attention better than I could.  I should have been a car that day instead of a kids photographer.  I’m kinda digging the black and white photos of Charlie & Buckey and really like the shallow depth of field from the 50 1.2 lens.
B&W Kids photos orange county child photographer
b&w kids photographer out door kids photos
beautiful fun kids photographs orange county park fun kids photography out door kids photosfun kids photographer outdoor kids photosb&w kids photographer out door orange county kids photos