Some of my Favorite Travel Images
Travel Photography
Recently I was going through a few thousand travel photogarphy images from Paris, NYC, Stockholm, California , culling, arranging and doing post production in Adobe Lightroom 4. The images in the post represent a small fraction of my stock portfolio but these stuck out as some of my favorite travel images to post this week. The process took about 2 weeks because I was working on everything that I had photographed in the last twelve years. It was a huge undertaking that needed to be done. Both for myself and for submitting images to stock companies. After promising myself for years that I’d submit to Getty Images and Corbis Images, only to put it off because my work was not cataloged, all the primary work is done. The bigger task will be key wording all the images which will probably take a month or two. So yesterday, I finally made the jump and submitted to both Getty Images and Corbis.
So here’s the rub. Some of my friends think that Getty Images and Corbis are evil. While its true that both stock agencies are 800 pound gorillas and their contract are comprehensive and that they are back by a deep pocketed agencies with huge legal teams. The thing is that I have allot of wonderful images that are just sitting on drives and want to monetize them. I’ll keep you posted on the journey.