Children & Family Photography

INTRODUCING TINY TREE CHILDREN & FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHY! Specializing in Fun Relaxed & Authentically You – Children and Family Photography Introducing Tiny Tree Children & Family Photography. After 20 years of photographing children and families, I started a website solely dedicated to Children & Family Photography.  You’ll find my children & family photography published in over […]

Think Yelp is Unbiased? Think Again!! ~ Forbes Magazine

Why Yelp reviews are not accurate and …. Why Yelp is the Biased and the Least Democratic Review Site …. plus …. Why I think Yelp Sucks …. This is going to be a long post …. {3,674 words long} and its a long time coming. I have a bone to pick with Yelp. It’s […]

Recently Published Children's Photography | Irvine Newborn and Toddler Photographer

Irvine Newborn Baby and Toddler Photographer Recently Published Children’s Photography I think I’ll have to publish my own books soon. I just realized as much as I love seeing my images featured in Amherst Medias’ books, I’m not making any money on the book sales. But the people who I’ve let use my photography are […]