A Fool Proof Digital Workflow System for the Professional Photographer

Workflow | Photo Mechanic | LightRoom 4 & CS5 A Fool Proof Digital Workflow System for the Professional Photographer Having A Fool Proof  Digital Workflow System for the Professional Photographer is essential for the professional digital photographer.  Heck it’s even useful to the Uncle Fred’s of the world.  Below, is a detailed look at the Workflow system we use […]

Visible Dust Review | How To Safely Clean Your DSLR Sensor

Visible Dust Review | Cleaning Your DLSR Sensor Visible Dust is a Canadian based company that produces and distributes a complete professional DLSR sensor cleaning system.  Their products are the bomb!  I’ve gotta thank Mosse Peterson for his earlier post and video about Visible Dust.  Also, Marcus Bell who mentioned the Arctic Butterfly….didn’t know what […]

Celebrity Portrait Phootgrapher

How To Shoot a Celebrity | And Not Get Arrested | Los Angeles Celebrity  Celebrity Portrait Photographer Plus 6 Tips For Photographing a Celebrity Event Played Poker with  楊係 Jerry Yang A few weeks ago I had the unique opportunity to photograph a celebrity poker tournament.  While there I meet World Series of Poker Main Event […]